Foundations of Management - 2009 Volume 01 Number 01 (1)

Articles FoM(1) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Ewa Masłyk-Musiał - Method of Building Mobile Organizations in Poland
  • Jerzy Kisielnicki - Information and Knowledge Management as a New Phase in Management Theory
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Tadeusz Krupa - Forecasting the Effects of Investments in Knowledge – Workers in the SME Sector, Using the GMDH Method
  • Grzegorz Bocewicz, Zbigniew Banaszak - Abductive Reasoning Driven Approach to Project – Like Production Flow Prototyping
  • Katarzyna Rostek - Business Intelligence for Insurance Companies
  • Jarosław Domański - Value Management in Non-Profit Organizations – the First Step
  • Marek Pawłowski, Zdzisław Piątkowski, Wojciech Żebrowski - Management Efficiency
Foundations of Management
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