Foundations of Management - 2009 Volume 01 Number 02 (2)

Articles FoM(2) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Ewa Górska - Optimization of Workplace Design for People with Alternative Abilities
  • Tadeusz Witkowski, Paweł Antczak, Arkadiusz Antczak - Project Realization Scheduling and its Multi Criteria Evaluation
  • Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Maciej Byczkowski - Information Security Aspect of Operational Risk Management
  • Jadwiga Chudzicka - Women Scientists in Gender Oriented Research
  • Ewa Kulińska - The Meaning of Processes Orientation in Creation and Realization of the Added Value
  • Teresa Ostrowska - Management Information in Administration Systems
  • Robert Prokopczuk - Integration and Availibility of Data – Paradigms and Applications
  • Jan Monkiewicz - Enterprise Management and Regulation of Economic Activity: The Case of Insurance
  • Tadeusz Krupa - Events and Event Processes
  • Wojciech Nasierowski - A Conceptual Framework for Formalization of National Innovation Systems
Foundations of Management
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