Foundations of Management - 2010 Volume 02 Number 01 (3)

Articles FoM(3) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Tadeusz A. Grzeszczyk - Neural Networks Usage in the Evaluation of European Union Cofinanced Projects
  • Tadeusz Krupa - Transforming Nets
  • Anna Kułakowska, Zdzisław Piątkowski, Wojciech Żebrowski - Barriers for Empowerment in Organisations on the Basis of Surveys
  • Anna Michalczyk, Tadeusz Krupa - The Expert Knowledge Collection Methodology in the Decision Support System
  • Tomasz Prokopowicz, Tadeusz Krupa - Modeling of Polish Enterprises Insolvency Processes with the Use of Gorbatov Characterization Principle – Research Results
  • Katarzyna Rostek - Data Analytical Processing in Data Warehouses
  • Kamil Sitarski - The Role of Information Technology Systems in Knowledge Management
Foundations of Management
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