Foundations of Management - 2010 Volume 02 Number 02 (4)

Articles FoM(4) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Artur Gąsiorkiewicz - Visibility, Usability and Accessbility of Polish e-Commerce Websites from the B2C Sector
  • Andrzej Kamiński - Computer Integrated Enterprise in the MRP/ERP Software Implementation
  • Krzysztof Maj, Tadeusz Krupa - The Management Method Preventing a Crisis Situation in an Electrical Energy Utility
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Tadeusz Krupa - The Multicriteria Selection Methodology of the Decision Support System
  • Sylwester Pięta - IT Systems Security Management in Migration Process 
  • Lilianna Ważna, Tadeusz Krupa - The Multicriteria Assessment Methodology of the Decision Support System Implementation Effectiveness
  • Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki - Business Continuity
Foundations of Management
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