Foundations of Management - 2011 Volume 03 Number 01 (5)

Articles FoM(5) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Ewa Drabik - Classical and Quantum Physics in Selected Economic Models
  • Wlodzimierz (Vlad) M. Kaczyński - The Future of Blue Economy: Lessons for European Union
  • Marcin Relich, Zbigniew Banaszak - Reference Model of Project Prototyping Problem
  • Jacek Moszkiewicz, Katarzyna Rostek - Functional Enhancements to Project Management Information Systems
  • Marcin Kotarba - Process Approach to Knowledge Management
  • Sławomir Janiszewski - How to Perform Discounted Cash Flow Valuation? 
  • Katarzyna Szczepańska, Maciej Urbaniak - Evaluation of the Effects of Quality Management System Improvement
Foundations of Management
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