Foundations of Management - 2011 Volume 03 Number 02 (6)

Articles FoM(6) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Anna Ławrynowicz - Genetic Algorithms for Solving Scheduling Problems in Manufacturing Systems
  • Jarosław Domański - The Analysis and Synthesis of Strategic Management Research in the Third Sector from early 2000 through to Mid-2009
  • Agnieszka Herdan, Katarzyna Szczepańska - Directors Remuneration and Companies’ Performance the Comparison of Listed Companies in Poland and UK
  • Anna Kosieradzka, Urszula Kąkol, Anna Krupa - The Development of Production Management Concepts
  • Sławomir Janiszewski - Principals of Financial Modelling
  • Katarzyna Szczepańska, Patryk Gawron - Loyalty Programs Effectiveness
  • Jakub Wojnar - Multicriteria Decision Making Model for the New Team Member Selection Based on Individual and Group-Related Factors
Foundations of Management
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