Foundations of Management - 2013 Volume 05 Number 01 (9)

Articles FoM(9) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Irena Bach-Dąbrowska, Jakub WOJNAR - Role Patterns in it Projects Teams: Design of a Selection Module using Fuzzy Logic Techniques
  • Ewa Drabik - Several Remarks on Banach-Mazur Games and its Applications
  • Andrzej H. Jasiński, Filip Tużnik - Barriers for Eco-innovations: A Case Study of a Small Firm in Poland
  • Marian Kopczewski, Marek Tobolski - The Oversight of Fire Prevention in an Enterprise
  • Natalia Przybylska - Crowdsourcing as a Method of Obtaining Information
  • Henryk Rybiński, Jakub Koperwas, Łukasz Skonieczny, Marek Kozłowski, Wacław Struk - OMEGA-PSIR: From the Repository to the Research Knowledge Base Experience of Warsaw University of Technology
  • Agata Szkiel - Use of the PN-EN ISO 9004:2010 Standard for Improvement of 8 Competitiveness of the Food Industry Enterprises
  • Joanna Wierzowiecka - Effectiveness of the Management System in Accredited Laboratory as a Tool to Enhance Competitiveness
Foundations of Management
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