Foundations of Management - 2013 Volume 05 Number 03 (11)

Articles FoM(11) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Paweł Sitek, Jarosław Wikarek - A Hybrid Method for the Modelling and Optimisation of Constrained Search Problems
  • Andrzej Kamiński - Implementation of Enterprise Systems as a Strategic Move for Streng Thening a Company’s Competitive Advantage
  • Przemysław Plecka, Krzysztof Bzdyra - Usefulness of Software Valuation Methods at Initial Stages of ERP Implementation
  • Teresa Ostrowska - The Resource Hazards Model for the Critical Infrastructure of the State Emergency Management Process
  • Tomasz Sitek, Michał Litka - Implementation Of Business Intelligence in an IT Organization – the Concept of an Evaluation Model
  • Michał Wiśniewski - Cloud Computing as a Tool for Improving Business Competitiveness
  • Tadeusz Krupa - V.A. Gorbatov Theory of Characterization – Principles and Examples
Foundations of Management
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