Foundations of Management - 2014 Volume 06 Number 01 (12)

Articles FoM(12) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Ewa Kulińska - Importance of Costs of Risks in Material Management
  • Marlena Piekut, Renata Walczak, Barbara Felic, Agnieszka Krzętowska, Magdalena Grabowska, Magdalena Kludacz, Grzegorz Chybicki - Trends in the Consumption of Household Durables
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska - A model for information support for knowledge workers
  • Grzegorz Rządkowski, Iwona Głażewska, Katarzyna Sawińska - Logistic Function as a Tool of Planning
  • Wojciech Żebrowski, Zdzisław Piątkowski, Anna Kułakowska, Artur Piątkowski - The Influence of the Management (Motivational) Function on the Implementation of New Concepts of Management in Business Practices
  • Maja Żychlewicz - CSR as a Tool of Building the Competitiveness of Businesses
Foundations of Management
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