Foundations of Management - 2014 Volume 06 Number 02 (13)

Articles FoM(13) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Marcin Relich, Krzysztof Bzdyra - Estimating New Product Success with the Use of Intelligent Systems
  • Przemysław Plecka, Krzysztof Bzdyra - The Software Cost Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Ontology
  • Peter Nielsen, Ngoc Anh Dung Do, Thomas Eriksen, Izabela Nielsen - Towards an Analysis Methodology for Identifying Root Causes of Poor Delivery Performance
  •  Jarosław Domański, Wiesław Kotarba, Tadeusz Krupa - The Prisms of Management
  • Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek - Is sustainable development an issue for quality management?
  • Iwona Łapuńka, Iwona Pisz - Knowledge Management in the Project Life Cycle – Initial Research on Polish SMEs
  • Agnieszka Szczygielska - Methods and Technologies Supporting Information and Knowledge Management on the Example of the Police
  • Foundations of Management
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