Foundations of Management - 2015 Volume 07 Number 01 (15)

Articles FoM(15) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Mina Balouchi, Ehsan Khanmohammadi - Using Logarithmic Fuzzy Preference Programming to Prioritization Social Media Utilization Based on Tourists’ Perspective
  • Dagmara Bubel Globalization and  Knowledge Management in Projects
  • Mishelle Doorasamy - Product Portfolio Management: AnImportant Business Strategy
  • Mishelle Doorasamy -TheoreticalDevelopments in Environmental Management Accounting and the Role and Importance of MFCA
  • Mishelle Doorasamy - Staircaseto Sustainable Development
  • Jarosław Górecki - Maturity of Project Management in Polish and Foreign Construction Companies
  • Ahmad Jafarnejad Chaghooshi, MahsaSoltani-Neshan, Mohsen Moradi-Moghadam - Canonical Correlation Analysis Between Supply Chain Quality Management and Competitive Advantages
  • Tadeusz Krupa, Michał Wiśniewski - Situational Management of Critical Infrastructure Resources Under Threat
  • Ewa Kulińska, Agnieszka Dornfeld - The Assessment of the Level of Management Control Standards Completion in Treasury Sector
  • Ravindra H. Kuruppuge, Aleš Gregar - Pushing or Pulling of the Business by Family Members: A Study of Family Businesses In Sri Lanka
  • Ophillia Ledimo - Generational Differences in Organizational Justice Perceptions: An Exploratory Investigation Across Three Generational Cohorts
  • Teresa Ostrowska, Tadeusz Krupa, Michał Wiśniewski - Dynamic Hazards in Critical Infrastructure of State
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska - The Effect of the Use of Mobile Technologies by Management in Polish Manufacturing Enterprises on the Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer Within a Company
  • Simon Radipere - Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Case of Gauteng Province, South Africa
  • Grzegorz Rządkowski, Iwona Głażewska, Katarzyna Sawińska - The Gompertz Function and Its Applications in Management
  • Louise Van Scheers -The Importance that Customers Place on Service Attributes of Sale Personel in the Retail Sector
  • Agnieszka Skala, Katarzyna Rostek - Multi-Criteria Classification and Segmentation Analysis of High-Technology Manufacturing in Warsaw
  • Katarzyna Skrzypek, Karol Dąbrowski - Selection of Employees in the Metal Industry Based on Competences, on the Example of a Designer Position
  • Maelekanyo Christopher Tshilongamulenzhe - Developing and Validating a Measure of Monitoring and Evaluation for the South Africa Skills Development Context
  • Andrzej Zajkowski, Janusz Stańczak -The Challenges of Public University Informatization
  • Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki - Structuring Knowledge Management – Classical Theory, Strategic Initiation and Operational Knowledge Management (part I)
  • Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki - Structuring Knowledge Management - Levels, Resources and Efficiency Areas of Knowledge Management (part II)
Foundations of Management
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