Foundations of Management - 2017 Volume 09 Number 01 (17)

Articles FoM(17) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Ewa Kulińska, Monika Odlanicka-Poczobutt - The Practical Aspects of Local Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Travel Companies
  • Leszek Zaremba - Creation and Valuation of Instruments Compensating Lower Share Prices with the Help of Black-Scholes Formula
  • Marian Kopczewski, Tomasz Smal - Safety in a Manufacturing Company
  • Zbigniew Alot  - The Model of the Production Process for the Quality Management
  • Bulelwa Mandyoli, Chux Gervase Iwu, Zinzi Nxopo - Is There a Nexus Between Social Entrepreneurship and the Employability of Graduates?
  • Anil Kshatriya, Vijay Dharmadhikari, Deepak Srivastava, P.C. Basak - Strategic Performance Measurement Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case of Machine Tool Industry
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Małgorzata Śliwa - The Role of Knowledge Acquisition in a Company - Research Results from German and Polish Manufacturing Companies
  • Leszek Zaremba - Does Macaulay Duration Provide the Most Cost-Effective Immunization Method – A Theoretical Approach
  • Marta R. Jabłońska - Modern Consumer in Cyberspace – Internet and Psychology Approach
  • Marcin Kotarba - Measuring Digitalization – Key Metrics
  • Mishelle Doorasamy - Product Portfolio Management Best Practices for New Product Development: A Review of Models
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Sławomir Kłos - A Study on Improving the Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Company in the Context of Knowledge Management – Research Results
  • Danuta Szwajca - The Role of Social Media in Corporate Reputation Management – The Results of the Polish Enterprises
  • Miroslaw Moroz - The Level of Development of the Digital Economy in Poland and Selected European Countries: A Comparative Analysis
  • Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan - Influence of Information Technology on Organization Strategy
  • Kai Wang, Hui Wang, Yu Tao - Combining Ideas in Crowdsourced Idea Generation
  • Iwona Zdonek, Marzena Podgórska, Beata Hysa - The Competence for Project Team Members in the Conditions of Remote Working
  • Konstantinos Malagas, Stefanos Gritzalis, Nikitas Nikitakos, Alexandra Fragoudaki - The Implementation of Goffee and Jones’s Types of Organizational Culture in a Greek State-Owned Organization that Introduced New Technologies
  • Witold Skomra - Risk Management as Part of Crisis Management Tasks
  • Leszek  Zaremba, Cezary S. Zaremba, Marek Suchenek - Modification of Shapley Value and its Implementation in Decision Making
  • Jerzy Kisielnicki, Anna Maria Misiak - Effectiveness of Agile Compared to Waterfall Implementation Methods in IT Projects: Analysis Based on Business Intelligence Projects
  • Małgorzata Łatuszyńska - Web-Based Tools for System Dynamics Simulation
  • Olgierd Swiatkiewicz - Linking CSR to Strategy: A Practical View
  • Maciej Dębski, Wojciech Nasierowski - Criteria for the Selection of Tourism Destinations by Students from Different Countries
  • Teresa Ostrowska, TadeuszKrupa - Determinants of Critical Infrastructure Resources
  • Tadeusz Krupa - Elements of Theory of the Correct Operations of Logistics Transforming Networks

Reviewers of articles - 2017:

BINIEK Z. - University of Finance and Management, POLAND; BITKOWSKA A. - University of Finance and Management, POLAND; CHRISTOZOV D. - American University in Bulgaria, BULGARIA; FARKAS W. - Department of Banking & Finance, SWITZERLAND; GASPARSKI W.W. - Kozminski University, POLAND; GIERESZEWSKA G. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; JAIYEOBA O. - University of Creativity and Technology, MALAYSIA; KAŁUSZKA M. - Lodz University of Technology, POLAND; KARLSSON B. - The University of Iceland, ICELAND; KASIEWICZ St. - Risk Management Faculty of Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND; KISIELNICKI J.  - School of Management, Warsaw University, POLAND; KORCZAK P. - School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM; KOTARBA M. - School of Management, Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; KREBS I. - Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, GERMANY; KRUPA T. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; KUCUK YILMAZ  A. - Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Anadolu University,  TURKEY; KULIŃSKA E. - Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Logistics, POLAND; LENORT R. - Department of Logistics, Quality and Automotive Technology, ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, CZECH REPUBLIC; MATUSIAK B. - University of Lodz, POLAND; MERCIK J. - Wroclaw University of Tchnology, POLAND; MILAN E. - University of West Bohemia, CZECH REPUBLIC; MOROZ M. - Wroclaw University of Economics, POLAND; NASIEROWSKI W. - Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, CANADA; NOWAKOWSKI T. - Wroclaw University of Tchnology, POLAND; NOVOSYOLOV A. - Syberian University, Krasnojarsk, RUSSIA; PAPADOPOULOU G. - College of Business Studies Al Ghurair University Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES; PATALAS-MALISZEWSKA J. - University of Zielona Góra, POLAND; PELC K. - School of Business and Economics, Michigan Technological University, USA; PLICHTA J. - Koszalin University of Technology, POLAND; ROSTEK K. - School of Management, Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; RZĄDKOWSKI G. - School of Management, Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; SHARMA B. - University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Business Administration, CANADA; SKYRIUS R. - Vilnius University, LITVANIA; SOSNOWSKA H. - Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND; SZYMONIK A. - Lodz University of Technology, POLAND; TKACZYK St. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; UMEZURIKE S.A. - Faculty of Commerce, Administration and Law, University of Zululand, SOUTH AFRICA; VASTAG G. - University Pannona, Faculty of Business and Economics, HUNGARY; WOLANIN J.  - The Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw, POLAND.

Foundations of Management
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