Foundations of Management - 2018 Volume 10 Number 01 (18)

Articles FoM(18) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Witold Kieżun - Four Riders of the Apocalypse of the Polish Bureaucracy
  • Ravindra Hewa Kuruppuge,  Ales Gregar - Employee’s Learning in the Organization - A Study of Knowledge Based Industries
  • Sebastian Kopera, Ewa Wszendybył-Skulska, Joanna Cebulak, Sebastian Grabowski - Interdisciplinarity in Tech Startups Development - Case Study of ‘UniStartApp’ Project
  • Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna - Strategy, Corporate Culture, Structure and Operational Processes as the Context for the Innovativeness of an Organization
  • Renata Walczak, Marlena Piekut, Magdalena Kludacz-Alessandri, Biruta Sloka, Ligita Šimanskiene, Tiiu Paas - Health Care Spending Structures in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia over the Years as Compared to other EU Countries
  • Miroslaw Moroz - Acceleration of Digital Transformation as a Result of Launching Programs Financed from Public Funds: Assessment of the Implementation of the Operational Program Digital Poland
  • Bhaskar Garimella, Sandeep Shenoy, Rashmi Yogesh Pai, Rishali Shetty - Structured Education for Sustainable Employment: Technology Enabled Queueing Theory Applications
  • Demokaan Demirel - Rethinking Performance Management Practices in Local Administrations? An Evaluation of BV, CPA and WPI Practices in the UK
  • Andrii Halkin - Emotional State of Consumer  in the Urban Purchase: Processing Data
  • Jolanta Słoniec, Reyes González Rodriguez - Reasons of Using IT Outsourcing (ITO) - Polish-Spanish Cross-Cultural Analysis
  • Marcin Kotarba - Digital Transformation of Business Models
  • Jiri Dvorak, Ilona Razova - Empirical Validation of Blue Ocean Strategy Sustainability in an International Environment
  • Hafiez Sofyani - Does Performance-Based Budgeting Have a Correlation with Performance Measurement System? Evidence from Local Government in Indonesia
  • Tadeusz Krupa, Teresa Ostrowska - Security in Topological, Functional and Semiotic Terms
  • An Thanh Hong Nguyen, Tuan Van Nguyen - Working Capital Management and Corporate Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam
  • Renata Walczak, Anikó Kálmán - Lifelong Learning Expectations of Young Academics - Analysis of Polish and Hungarian Technical Universities
  • Damian Kedziora, Wojciech Piotrowicz, Katarzyna Kolasinska-Morawska - Employee Development and Leadership Perception in the Polish Service Delivery Centres
  • Marisela Jiménez - Leadership Style, Organizational Performance, and Change Through the Lens of Emotional Intelligence
  • Adel Ali Yassin Alzyoud - The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Work Engagement
  • Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Małgorzata Skrzeszewska - An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Applying the MES  in a Maintenance Department – A Case Study
  • Ravindra Hewa Kuruppuge, Ales Gregar, Chandana Jayawardena, Ladislav Kudláček - Demographic, Individual, Job Diversities and Knowledge Sharing: A Study of Enterprising Family Businesses
  • Duc Tran Anh, Karol Dąbrowski, Katarzyna Skrzypek - The Predictive Maintenance Concept in the Maintenance Department of the “Industry 4.0” Production Enterprise
  • Pfano Michael Ramudzuli, Paul-Francois Muzindutsi - Determinants of Financial and Non-Financial Risk Tolerance Among Students at Selected South African Universities
  • Tadeusz Krupa - The Principle of Characterization as a Systemic Paradigm of Safety: Experiments and Applications

Reviewers of articles - 2018:

ALBERTI F.G. - Institute for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness – LIUC, ITALY; ALZGOOL M. - Gulf University, KINGDOM of BAHRAIN; AMMERAAL A. - University of Groningen, NETHERLANDS; ATEŞ H.  - Istanbul Medical University, Faculty of Political Sciences, TURKEY; BAJDOR P. -  Czestochowa University of Technology, POLAND; BASL J. - University of West Bohemia, CZECH REPUBLIC; BILAN Y. – Szczecin University, POLAND; DANKO Y.I. - Sumy National Agrarian University, UKRAINE; DHARMADASA P. - University of Colombo, SRI LANKA; DOAN T. – University of Waikato, NEW ZEALAND; FIALA R. - College of Polytechnics Jihlava, CZECH REPUBLIC; GASCO J. – University of Alicante, SPAIN; GIERESZEWSKA G. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; HOPENIENĖ R. - Kaunas University of Technology, LITHUANIA; UYNH P.B. - Texas A&M University, College Station, USA; KACZOROWSKA A. - University of Lodz, POLAND; KASIEWICZ St. - Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND; KOTARBA M. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; KRUPA T. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; KULIŃSKA E. - Opole University of Technology, POLAND; KWIATKOWSKI E. - University of Lodz, POLAND; LESÁKOVÁ L. - Matej Bel University,  SLOVAKIA; LEWANDOWSKI J. – Lodz University of Technology, POLAND; LIESKOVSKÁ V. - University of Economics in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA; MACIEJEWSKI G. - University of Economics in Katowice, POLAND; MOROZ M. - Wroclaw University of Economics, POLAND; NASIEROWSKI W. - University of New Brunswick, CANADA; ONYUSHEVA I. - Stamford International University,  THAILAND; PACHKOVSKYY Y. - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, UKRAINE; PALISZKIEWICZ J. - Warsaw University of Life Sciences, POLAND; PARLAK B. -  Bursa Uludag University, TURKEY; PATALAS-MALISZEWSKA J. - University of Zielona Góra, POLAND; PELC K. - Michigan Technological University, USA; PIZZURNO E. - Institute for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, Castellanza, ITALY; POPA V. - Valahia University of Targoviste, ROMANIA; REHM M. – Technische Universitat Chemnitz, GERMANY; RZĄDKOWSKI G. - Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND; ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ J. - Vysoká Škola Regionálního Rozvoje a Bankovní Institut - AMBIS, CZECH REPUBLIC; SAKSONOWA S. - University of Latvia, LATVIA; TAKALA J. - Vaasa University, FINLAND; THRIKAWALA S.S. – University of Kelaniya, SRI LANKA; WACH K, - University of Economics in Krakow, POLAND; YOUNGBLOOD L. -  North Carolina Central University, USA.

Foundations of Management
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