Foundations of Management - 2020 Volume 12 Number 01 (20)

Articles FoM(20) are available on SCIENDO platform


  • Lech GĄSIORKIEWICZ - The Process Approach in the Financial Management of Insurance Firms
  • Łukasz BRZEZICKI, Piotr PIETRZAK, Małgorzata CIECIORA - The Total Efficiency of Teaching Activity of Polish Higher Education Institutions
  • Andrii HALKIN - Assessing the Utility of Retailer Based on Generalized Costs of End-Consumers
  • Michał WIŚNIEWSKI - Methodology of Situational Management of Critical Infrastructure Security
  • Mateo MÁRQUEZ - GUTIÉRREZ, Guillermo CARMONA-GONZALEZ, Carlos CASTRO-ZULUAGA - A Logistic Process Immaturity Model Proposal
  • Eryk SZWARC, Jarosław WIKAREK - Proactive Planning of Project Team Members' Competences
  • Grzegorz RZĄDKOWSKI, Lidia SOBCZAK - A Generalized Logistic Function and Its Applications
  • Shankha Shubhra GOSWAMI - Outranking Methods: Promethee I and Promethee II
  • Wajid H RIZVI, Salman MEMON, Abdul Samad DAHRI - Brand Experience Clustering and Depiction of Brand Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty and Emotional Confidence
  • Agnieszka BITKOWSKA, Piotr SLIŻ, Candace TENBRINK, Aleksandra PIASECKA - Application of Process Mining on the Example of an Authorized Passenger Car Service Station in Poland
  • Lech GĄSIORKIEWICZ, Jan MONKIEWICZ, Marek MONKIEWICZ - Technology Driven Innovations in Financial Services: The Rise of Alternative Finance
  • Olawale FATOKI - Factors Influencing the Purchase of Energy Efficient Appliances by Young Consumers in South Africa
  • Andrzej WODECKI - The Reserve Price Optimization for Publishers on Real-Time Bidding on-line Marketplaces with Time-Series Forecasting
  • Tadeusz KRUPA - Virtual Center for the Paradigmatic Studies
  • Suaad JASSEM, Zarina ZAKARIA, Anna CHE AZMI - Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Architecture and Environmental Investment Decision-Making
  • Piotr KORNETA - Stakeholders and Performance Management Systems of Small and Medium Sized Outpatient Clinics
  • Magdalena KLUDACZ-ALESSANDRI - The Relationship between Cost System Functionality, Management Accounting Practices, and Hospital Performance
  • Alina KOZARKIEWICZ - General and Specific: The Impact of Digital Transformation on Project Processes and Management Methods
  • Ludmiła WALASZCZYK, Sandra DINGLI - Business Models for Management and Entrepreneurs as a Tool for Survival and Success

Reviewers of articles - 2020

  • ANTONIUK Nataliia – Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, UKRAINE
  • AYANDIBU Ayansola – University of KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
  • BACH-DĄBROWSKA Irena – Gdańsk Academy of Banking, POLAND
  • BAJDOR Paula – Czestochowa University of Technology, POLAND
  • BANASZAK Zbigniew – Koszalin University of Technology, POLAND
  • BOGDANIENKO Jerzy – University of Warszaw, POLAND
  • CALAD Dario –  Pontifical Bolivarian University, SPANISH
  • CHAMMAM Wathek – Majmaah University, SAUDI ARABIA
  • DOMAŃSKI Jarosław – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • DUDEK Grzegorz – Czestochowa University of Technology, POLAND
  • DZOMONDA Obey – University of Limpopo, SOUTH AFRICA
  • GĄSIORKIEWICZ Lech – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • GONCHEV Vladimir – Bourgas "Prof. Assen Zlatarov" University, BULGARIA
  • KISIELNICKI Jerzy – University of Warszaw, POLAND
  • KŁOS Sławomir –  University of Zielona Góra, POLAND
  • KRUPA Tadeusz – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • KULIŃSKA Ewa – Opole University of Technology, POLAND
  • LAL ROHRA Chandan – Shah Abdul Latif University, PAKISTAN
  • LISOWSKI Jacek – Poznań University of Economics and Business, POLAND
  • ŁADA Monika – Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND
  • MARQUEZ Santiago – CEIPA Business School, COLOMBIA
  • MONKIEWICZ Jan – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • NARCI Hacer Özgen – Istinye University, TURKEY
  • ONI Olabanji – University of Fort Hare, SOUTH AFRICA
  • PASTUSZAK Zbigniew – Maria Curie Skłodowska University, POLAND
  • PATALAS-MALISZEWSKA Justyna – University of Zielona Góra, POLAND
  • PAWŁOWICZ Leszek – Gdańsk Institute for Market Economics – Gdańsk Academy of Banking, POLAND  
  • POZNAŃSKA Krystyna – Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND
  • RAZZAK Mohammed Rezaur – Sultan Qaboos University, OMAN
  • RELICH Marcin – University of Zielona Góra, POLAND
  • ŠIRCA Nada Trunk – University of Primorska, SLOVENIA
  • SZCZEPAŃSKA Katarzyna – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • ŚLIWIŃSKI Adam – Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND
  • WAŚCIŃSKI Tadeusz – Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
  • WIELKI Janusz – Opole University of Technology, POLAND
  • YORUK Esin – Coventry University, UNITED KINGDOM
Foundations of Management
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